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Shop our entire inventory of 5,000+ gifts and supplies with mobile friendly shopping features. Unique, funny, sometimes sweary, often edgy gift items and life-enhancing objects.
- Save items to the wish list for holiday gift planning or your personal future haul – just tap the heart icon
- Get notifications for live video sales (Ever stay up late at night watching infomercials? What if it was like that, but it was the staff of your favorite gift shop?)
- Shop replays of live videos sales anytime
- Easy to search or browse thousands of items
- Customer service via live chat
- Makes mobile shopping fun, pretty, and simple
- Log in with the same login and password you use on the web to keep your account in one place (and of course anyone can make a new account or check out as a guest).
- Make sure to activate PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for mobile-only deals, product drops, and live sales!
Download for Apple/iPhone
Download for Google/Android
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